Useful insights on how to design a post-event survey from Natalie Campbell-Reid of Explori.

Understand their objectives for exhibiting in the first place
1. Which of the following were objectives for your company at [insert event name]?
The most common objectives for exhibitors and sponsors are to generate new sales leads, increase awareness for their product/service and/or increase their brand position. Monitoring what objectives your exhibitors are trying to achieve through your event can be useful information when designing your event.
2. Please state how well you met each of your objectives for exhibiting/sponsoring.
Allow exhibitors and sponsors to state how well they were able to meet each of the objectives they selected. This will give you an indication of what objectives you’re helping them achieve versus the objectives that are going unmet.
Identify their highlights and pain points
3. How satisfied were you with the following aspects of the event?
With this question, you can gauge your customer’s satisfaction with different aspects of your event. In particular, options we think are useful to include are:
Quality of visitors
Quantity of visitors
Quality of sessions
Assess the value your event brings your virtual exhibitors
4. What was the total value of the orders/purchases/contracts received by your company at the event?
Where relevant, include this question to encourage exhibitors to consider the monetary value of participating in your event. This can also serve as a marketing metric to use in the promotion of your next event.
ROI and importance
5. Considering the total sum of business you expect to generate as a result of exhibiting at [eventname] this year, how would you rate your overall return on investment?
Return on Investment is one of the most important metrics to track for your event. Our global research shows that an unclear return on investment is the biggest driver of exhibitor dissatisfaction. Difficulty demonstrating ROI is the most frequently given reason for low advocacy scores.
This question is a great temperature check to identify what proportion of your audience is struggling with the return so that you can intervene with relevant training and educational materials ahead of your next event.
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